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Transpose (CA) – Senses (Single) (2023)

Transpose (CA) - Senses (Single) (2023)

Out next in Iono Music is Transpose with a single called “Senses”, marking his official welcome as signed member of our team. Making your “Senses” bounce in a modern progressive rhythm, with crunchy sound design, sunny vibes and intense melodies, this track is a constant pursuit to psychedelic and trance state through the waves of Transpose style. It transmits a lot of what the project is making for the future and for the previous wonderful works already released. We are glad to have you onboard. Enjoy!

Transpose (CA) – Senses (Single) (2023)
Progressive, Psy Trance | Iono Music
320 kbps | MP3 | single | 23 January, 2023 | 00:08:12 | 18.90 Mb

01. Transpose (CA) – Senses (Original Mix) 08:12

Transpose (CA) - Senses (Single) (2023)

01. Transpose (CA) – Senses (Original Mix) 08:12
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